The MagSure Micro RNA Isolation Kit is specially developed to isolate high-quality small RNA fractions including microRNAs. The total RNA are isolated by solid-phase reversible immobilization (SPRI) on silica columns. This kit uses the RnaBio RNA Isolation Reagent for the quick lysis of cells, followed by binding of long RNA to silica column and purification of small RNAs including microRNAs using magnetic silica beads. In sum, this kit can be used to isolate high-quality total RNA from a variety of samples, including animal cells, tissues, plants, and yeast.
MagSure MicroRNA Isolation Kit
Total RNA isolation in 30 minutes
DNA-free Total RNA including microRNAs
RNA elution in as little as 20 µL
No DNase treatment required
Easily scalable
Can be used for liquid samples
Reverse transcription
RT-PCR & Quantitative (q)PCR
Gene expression analysis
Northern blotting
mRNA isolation